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Timber Trusses: Three Common Mistakes to Avoid during Roof Construction

If you are planning on installing timber trusses over your house for your new roofing system, you should hire experienced contractor from a place like Prefab Technology Pty Ltd. Trusses are critical structural components in roofs. If they are installed poorly, they will not provide sufficient support for the roofing materials, and they might crumble under the stress of the wind load. By hiring an expert, you will ensure structural safety and optimal performance of the framework. If you are interested in participating in the installation of the trusses, you must avoid practices which could compromise your roofing. Here are simple guidelines on avoiding common truss installation and roof construction mistakes.

Avoid Unauthorised Alterations

Trusses are designed after careful calculations to ensure maximum load-bearing capacity. In simple terms, these elements are not just pieces of timber joined together. The wooden members are not independent of one another in the framework. If one of the components is modified, the stability of the triangular unit might change. As a result, the truss will not be capable of supporting the rated load. Therefore, you should never make alterations to your trusses. If you must modify the roofing framework, you should consult your experienced engineer or contractor for guidance.

Prepare Sufficient Bracing

You should have sufficient bracing for your truss installation project in your home. Without the right braces, the trusses will not be stable, and the construction of your roofing system will be compromised. You should inquire about the required bracing for your project from your contractor. Typically, if there is a ceiling in place in the structure design, you will need the standard trussed roofing bracing. However, if you are building a roof with exposed trusses, you will need diagonal bracing. Different bracing rules will be used depending on the truss designs. For the best results, you should always request for complete bracing information from your truss manufacturer.

Know the Truss Capacity

Finally, you should not know the capacity of your trusses and adhere to the specifications. Trusses are strong and can support heavy roofing materials. However, not all the roof framing options are equal in strength. Therefore, if you match trusses intended for lightweight roofing with heavy-duty roofing materials, your home will not be durable. For example, trusses designed for shingles might not be able to support heavy tiles indefinitely. In most cases, overloading mistakes can be attributed to sudden changes in roofing plans. So, you should make a decision on your roofing material early and avoid unexpected design changes.