Are You Planning Construction Work? Read On

Two things you should not scrimp on when building a house

There are certain things you should not scrimp on when constructing a house. Read on to find out what these things are.

Roof trusses

Roof trusses play a hugely important role in the structural stability of a house. They are designed to support the weight of the underlay, the roof sheeting and the flashing, and thus prevent these heavy materials from placing too much pressure on the rest of a house's structural framework.

If when selecting your roof materials, you opt for flimsy roof trusses that have not been treated with any form of insecticide or fungicide, there is a very good chance that your finished property will sustain structural damage at some point in the future.

The reason for this is as follows; weak trusses will be more likely to crack or snap if the roof exterior is struck by a heavy object (for example, if a large tree branch hits the roof during a storm). They will also be far more likely to deteriorate and weaken if exposed to dampness or termites.

If this type of damage should occur, the trusses will no longer be able to support the weight of the roof, which will result in extra strain being placed on the house's structural framework. This could cause a whole host of problems, including warping of the ceilings and floors, as well as cracks in both the walls and the foundation.

As such, it is absolutely essential to ensure that your contractor uses pre-treated, solid timber roof trusses to construct the framework of your new house's roof.


If you choose to use cheap, weak guttering, made from a material which rapidly degrades when exposed to the elements, it could easily develop a crack within months of being installed.

The primary function of guttering is to ensure that any rainwater which lands on the roof of a house is directed away from the walls and the foundation.

If you fit low-cost, thin guttering and it develops a crack, any rainwater which lands in it could end up trickling down the walls and seeping into the property's concrete foundation.

Moisture in the foundation of a house can cause a wide range of problems; it can lead to the foundation itself shifting (which can, in turn, cause structural damage throughout the entire house), cause dampness in the interior walls and lead to fungal rot developing on the timber framework.  

Given this, it is worth investing in high-quality, robust guttering that will be able to withstand constant exposure to the elements without deteriorating.