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Why It Is Vital To Waterproof Your Deck Routinely

One of the most functional additions you could construct on your residence is a deck. With a deck on your property, you get extra space to entertain guests or simply enjoy the outdoors and get some time away from the house. A deck can also considerably increase your property's value, which will ensure you make a profit when you decide to sell the residence. However, for your deck to be safe and remain attractive, there are several maintenance measures that you would have to employ. An action that some homeowners tend to assume is a one-off requirement, but in actuality should be carried out routinely, is waterproofing of the deck. This article will expound on the various reasons why it is vital to waterproof your deck on a scheduled basis.

Regular waterproofing will minimise the risk of injury

Aussie weather may be favourable for a majority of the months, but this does not imply that when the elements change you should stay away from the deck. Nonetheless, when it is rainy or icy, your deck floor can quickly become a safety hazard. A little-known benefit of investing in routine waterproofing is that some membranes can provide your deck with traction.

If you live in a location that routinely experiences drizzle or even sea spray for individuals by the coast, then waterproofing would be prudent to ensure that your deck remains safe to walk on. Moreover, curbing the occurrence of accidental slips and falls would also save you a considerable amount of medical bills!

Regular waterproofing minimises architectural damage

A couple of the readily accessible materials that are used for decking is concrete and timber. Concrete remains a relevant choice as it provides your structure with high durability whereas timber remains a favourite among Australian homeowners due to its unparalleled aesthetic. Nevertheless, both these materials have a common enemy, which is water. Prolonged exposure to moisture will lead to varying structural damages to your decking.

For example, if your deck is built from concrete, the water exposure can lead to the onset of concrete cancer. You will then find your decks surface is crumbling and would eventually lose its integrity. Timber, on the other hand, will steadily start to rot and this causes the wood to be soft and unsteady. Moreover, excessive moisture coupled with changing temperatures will cause a timber deck to buckle. Regular waterproofing is imperative for the longevity of your decking materials while also diminishing the risk of unnecessary structural damage.